Thursday, November 5, 2015

All About Industrial Organizational Psychology

Applying Industrial Organizational Psychology In Your Life
I will explain Industrial Organizational Psychology a little bit more, according to APA, Industrial Organizational Psychology is "scientific study of human behavior in organizations and the work place. The specialty focuses on deriving principles of individual, group and organizational behavior and applying this knowledge to the solution of problems at work.

1. Specialized Knowledge 

Specialized knowledge and training in the science of behavior in the workplace requires knowledge of organizational development, etiquette, decision making, employee performance and human factors, consumer behavior, group theory and process, criterion theory and development, job and task analysis and individual assessment. The specialty of industrial-organizational psychology requires knowledge of ethical considerations as well as administrative, and case law and executive orders as related to activities in the workplace.

2. Problems Addressed

The specialty of Industrial Organizational Psychology addresses issues is recruiting poeple, selecting and placing employee, training and development, performance measurement, workplace reward systems, structure of work and human factors, organizational development and consumer behavior.

3. Skills and Procedures 

Utilized I/O Psychologists are scientist-practitioners who have expertise in the design, execution and interpretation of research in psychology and who apply their findings to help address human and organizational problems in the context of organized work.

I/O psychologists:
Identify training and development requirement;
Formulate and implement training programs and evaluate their impact and effectiveness;
Coach employees;
Develop criteria to evaluate performance of employee and organizations;
and Assess client preferences, client satisfaction and market strategies.

4. Population Served 

The distinct focus of I/O psychology is on human behavior in workplace. Therefore, the populations affected by the practice of I/O psychology include individuals in and applicants to business, industry, labor, public including non-profit, academic, community and health organizations."

Allright enough of this theory, next post we will talk about how to Finds Out Who Really Hates You. Or if you havent check my earlier post about "What Is Psychology" click here.